[Today we have our first ever guest blogger: my daughter, "Elizabeth" -- age 11. My kids are my best sounding board for ideas and my best editors. I am thrilled that they are taking on the project with me and chiming in about their experiences and perspectives on our whacky life. Full disclosure, I have NOT edited this piece at all, though I did review it for "appropriateness." This is Elizabeth's voice loud and clear. As you will see, Elizabeth speaks her mind! Stay tuned for more guest writers in the weeks to come. AG]

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, and I guess it’s time to write on Mother Dearest’s goat blog. Yes, funny and strange things do happen here. Like when we had a goat in our kitchen that had to be fed out of a bottle! But I’m not going to get into that right now. I’m going to talk about how this all started. I used to live in San Francisco with three rabbits, two guinea pigs, and one pug. It was a very good life, and I was happy. Then, the divorce happened and my life as I knew it fell apart.
When I was six, my mom, my four siblings, and I moved to Sonoma with a man named Bubba. Bubba still lived with his mother, Marge, where he grew up. Anyways, he had goats, so when I rebuilt my life, it included goats. Five years later, Mom found out he was cheating on her, so she decided to break up with him. She met David on the Internet, and before long they knew each other very well. We still take care of goats now, obviously, and this is the blog about them.

My jobs around the farm include feeding bottle babies, chickens, and filling waters. We do have house animals too, like our 4 indoor dogs and 4 indoor(ish) cats. Whenever we take one of the small dogs into a goat pen, this one goat comes up and punts it pretty far. It’s very funny to watch, but still I can’t help feeling bad for it. With our cats though, it’s a different story. Whenever the boy cat goes into the pen, he just goes to a goat, and sits on it. Once he fell off when the goat he was sitting on got up! Yes, all of our animals are strange.

Within our strange animal collection, we have probably one of the stupidest birds in the world. He is named Purple, and he is a guinea fowl. He just LOVES cars. Purple will follow us very far out of the driveway, then just run back. Once, he even caused traffic to stop! This happened to Mom. Purple was chasing her like he always does, then the traffic behind her stopped. the man behind her honked, and yelled “Stop, you’re going to hit that bird!” She then got out and explained “the weird looking turkey thing” that was chasing her. After, Mother finally got to work. It might just be me, but I think that’s a lot of fuss over a bird, even if it is a guinea fowl.
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